John Ford Recruitment Ltd
13th November 2008
After 24 years of business we are sad to advise that John Ford Recruitment is going to suspend activities owing to the state of the current financial market. We will continue to service any ongoing business (such as outstanding applications/interviews/placements, not existing vacancies) but will not be taking on any new vacancies or candidates for the foreseeable future.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients and candidates for their custom over the years and for helping to make our recruitment service the unique, personalised and ethical experience we desired to achieve.
If you would like to contact us please phone either Nicky on 07843 089134 or John on 07768 152537
John Ford Recruitment Ltd, 63 Wood Street, Barnet, Herts EN5 4BT
Tel: +44 (0)20 8447 1143 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8449 9248 SMS: +44 (0) 7941 312 793
Registered in England No. 1809852. VAT Registration No. 341 3276 80.
Registered Office: Colechurch House, 1 London Bridge Walk, London SE1 2SX
Service Provider: Eclipse Networking Ltd, 37 Curr Lane, Hull, HU1 3RE.